Dear Readers,
I regretfully note that my
blog has been idle for quite some time. This has certainly not been because I
have nothing more to say on the subject of Jōdo Shinshū! Rather, if I were to
offer an excuse, it would be that I have been very busy this past year finishing
up my university studies. Now that those have been successfully completed, I am
once more turning my attention to this blog.
I began writing and posting
here almost four years ago as a means of sharing my personal thoughts while
traveling on the Great Unhindered Path of the True Pure Land School (Jōdo
Shinshū in Japanese). That purpose remains unchanged to this day, and will
continue. In fact, there are a number of topics I would like to write about,
and essays on these will be forthcoming. I especially wish in the future to use
this space as a way of sharing my life experiences related to Buddhism in
general, and Shin Buddhism in particular. Thus, I will be posting photos and
reflections as I return to Japan this fall to meet with friends new and old and
take part in various events while studying in Kyoto.
Of course, the primary
intention is always to share the authentic teaching of Jōdo Shinshū in the form
that I have been fortunate to receive it. To that end, I will in the coming
months be posting several articles from Hōrai
(Dharma Thunder) magazine that I have
been translating. These are pieces written by the late Rev. Zuiken Inagaki, a
beloved and esteemed preacher of Shinran Shōnin's teaching. Although I am
hardly the person qualified to undertake such a monumental task, nevertheless I
felt that if I do not attempt it, it will not be done.
The copies of Hōrai magazine, from which the excerpts
will be drawn, I received as a surprise gift from my good friend Rev. Yuki
Sugahara, formerly minister at the Buddhist Church of Florin in California, and
now of Oregon Buddhist Temple. Knowing my zest for Zuiken's words, he presented
me with over a decade’s worth of issues, each a veritable goldmine containing
verses, sermons, essays, and more. Indeed, such is the extent of the
Dharma-treasure here contained, that I was at a loss to know where to begin! In
addition, I had previously been given two copies of Hōrai magazine by Mr. Inaba, a fellow
traveler associated with Kōrinji Temple in Yokohama, to whom I introduced
Zuiken Sensei's work while attending religious services there.
In order to repay my debt of
gratitude for these wonderful gifts, I have decided to share Sensei’s words in
English to the best of my limited ability. The task is a difficult one, as the
Japanese employed is frequently antiquated or contains elements of regional
dialect. The resulting translations will therefore necessarily be provisional,
and it is to be hoped that they improve with time as my knowledge of the
Japanese language grows. Fortunately, I have been helped in this endeavor by
another good friend and Dharma-brother, Mr. Melvin Lim of Malaysia. A
devoted student of Zuiken Sensei's thought, Melvin has long dedicated himself
to the promotion of Sensei’s writings through his own blog "Diamondlike
Shinjin" (, to which I give my
unreserved recommendation. In the present case, Melvin read my translated
drafts and offered invaluable suggestions for their improvement. Of course, any
errors of translation are entirely my own.
In conclusion, I would like
to note that Zuiken Sensei's teaching is of special significance to me. When I
was first starting out on the Pure Land path many years ago, Zuiken's writings
were among the first I was fortunate to encounter. Through his joyful verses
and clear and unambiguous expositions, Zuiken Sensei has been my good teacher
and guide over the years. Indeed, I often feel that he has been at my side all
along. In his uncompromising presentation of Shinshu teaching, Zuiken's intention is always to lead the hearer/reader into the all-powerful working of
the Primal Vow that is absolute Other-Power—to hear the unconditional
Call of Amida's Name, Namo Amida Butsu, and find true peace of mind (anjin) in His all-embracing Light. If
someone happening upon this blog encounters the True Dharma through the words
of Zuiken Sensei, thereby realizing the indestructible Mind of Joy, I could
hope for nothing more.
In gasshō,
Kyōkan G. Schlaefer
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